So far, we have had really good luck with his immunizations but our luck ran out on Zander's birthday (I know who schedules shots for a birthday...I guess I got that from my mom). Zander had five shots on Wednesday (two in each thigh and one in his arm). I noticed some swelling in his right leg on Wednesday evening but he seemed to be doing okay. By Wednesday night he wouldn't walk or put any weight on that leg. We called up to the on call Hematologist and he told us to bring him into the ER.
This is our first ER visit and I will say the emergency room at OHSU is NOT your Mama's ER. Complete with valet parking and a separate area for pediatrics. There were video games and tv's with movies, books and puzzles. None of that really mattered to Zander but it was nice for Ayda. The other magical thing, Zander was crying during the initial exam and like angels, two women came through the doors with bubbles. They did a great job keeping Zander's mind off of what was happening and it was nice for Ayda too.
One thing people don't realize is not all doctor's or nurses are familiar with Hemophilia, that can make it interesting while getting care. I have heard my Mom and Grandma tell stories about nurses who took care of my dad, who refused to listen to my Mom and it resulted in incorrect treatment for my dad. I did NOT have this experience. The nurses were great, I mixed Zander's factor, told them which vein is best to hit, helped hold him down and they did a great job.
Unfortunately, Zander needed more than just that one infusion to stop the bleeding into his thigh (imagine it kind of looks like a cartoon drumstick). So, we are all set up with an IV and I will infuse him for the weekend. 

One of the nurses at the HTC did give me a couple good pieces of advice, one: schedule prophy for the same day as your immunizations and two: ask the nurse giving the shots to use a shorter needle (less chances to hit the muscle.).
I'm not sure if I would be able to identify a swollen thigh on Harris. I guess I would just look for the one with the cellulite dimples pulled flat.