Sunday, March 27, 2011

record keeping

There are several good reasons to keep records of infusions and bleeding events. I felt like we were infusing a lot for this head bleed but looking back we are at about the same amount of infusions that we have done for other episodes like this. Without my records I wouldn't have known that. Here is a new picture of what our little bruiser looks like today.

ps-when events like this happen I cannot imagine trying to infuse him several times through a vein. I love his PORT!!


  1. He needs to learn that the eye shadow goes on the eyelid, not below the eyes.....poor little man. Hope he is feeling better.

  2. These photos are like flashbacks to how my son looked at this age. He had a goose egg and black eyes for WEEKS!!!!! i stopped going out in public. I thought someone would call CPS on me!! I don't feel so alone now...Thank you. I love this blog.
