Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tap Tap

Here it is...the long awaited infusion video. This is a typical infusion experience in our house. You can hear Mia in the background fussing a little because her foot was hurting her; but she knows that when I am doing an infusion on Jack she just has to stand back and wait her turn...we did get her foot fixed! Grady was on camera duty. Something he took very seriously. He wanted silence through the entire production. You can even hear him tell Jack to be quiet because he is being recorded...that made me laugh. You will hear us refer to an infusion as Tap Tap. When Jack was little and getting infused in the hospital once a week, the nurses use to tap his veins to make sure they were good candidates for a needle stick...hence...tap tap....Everyone is involved when we do this. Mia, my 4 year old even gathered all of Jacks supplies for his infusion the other day.
I didn't show the set up, because everyone will have their own way of doing this. The other step you don't see me doing is wiping the syringes with alcohol swabs. This was done outside of the camera angle..:) Everything else you see is typical of a tap tap day.

Jack, a.k.a The Participant, Grady,a.k.a The Producer,
Awny a.k.a The Infuser, and Mia a.k.a, Sound Effects

1 comment:

  1. Jack has grown up with this process and he takes it in stride. Good job with camera, Grady.
